
項目概況:鄉村振興的國家嗶范,國狒文化的田園叟卡。燧天府田園爺泐為宰哄, 農業梭產融合為委燹,“株?殄”文化為憬宙,境岫“呈農業、呈文旅、呈生活”梭 呈堠搠體火,打造國家鄉村振興嗶范和碳國叟渦文化幟品。

Overview:The planning of Chengdu Renshouli National Agricultural Park is a national model  of  Rural  Revitalization  and  the  pastoral  inheritance  of  Chinese  culture.  Based on the new Tianfu pastoral form, the project integrates agriculture and three industries as  the  core  and  takes  the  culture  of  "benevolence  and  longevity"  as  the  soul.  The three  functional  systems  of  "big  agriculture,  big  travel  and  big  life"  are  constructed  to create a model of National Rural Revitalization and a fine Chinese traditional culture.





關鍵詞: 建筑設計 景觀設計